Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Kerf I

The following is Meher Baba's explanation to disciple and biographer, Bhau Kalchuri in December 1967.*

Meher Baba is describing to Bhau his "Universal Manifestation" using the analogy of a "kerf" cut into the door leading to the higher planes of consciousness.

"When I come down on earth, My work is to cut a kerf on the seventh door. When this is done, I drop My physical body. I cut that kerf, but a piece still remains there."

"There are some who are very near the kerf. Still, they can't see the light because a piece of the kerf has not been removed. But they are attracted towards the light. "There are others at a great distance from that kerf. They look to the other side, towards darkness, and darkness also appears to them as light -- as in the gross world, there is night and day. They just go fast towards darkness. "When My Universal Manifestation takes place, the piece of the seventh door will fall down. There will be a total turnabout towards the Sun, and they will see the light, which will be from the Subtle World..."


"There are four doors in the Subtle World, and two doors in the mental world. So when that piece of the kerf comes out, humanity will see the darkness of the Subtle World, in the form of light, which is also darkness. But it is a finer darkness. This light will become very, very bright -- because it is the light of energy, which is in the Subtle World. "When My Universal Manifestation takes place, people will see the light of the subtle world, though it is still a finer darkness.

"Just imagine, what will be the effect? The effect will be a total about-turn towards this light. So humanity -- which goes towards darkness, and has no attraction towards finer darkness, or light -- will be attracted towards finer darkness, or light. It shows that the attraction towards the darkness of the material world will be lessened. The awareness of this light from the Subtle World will be more. Attachment towards the darkness of the material world will be lessened to a great extent. "Those who are near the door, where the kerf is cut, will have a longing to open that door and enter into the Subtle World. Their longing will go on increasing, and they will pass through one door after another -- four doors of the Subtle World, and enter into the Mental World, which has two planes. When they enter into the second plane of the Mental World,they will have the longing for the union with God. "This longing will be like that of a fish out of water. Then, one day, they will become one with the Divine Sun." ... "What is My universal push? "My universal push is to give a push to the piece of the kerf in the seventh door, so that it may fall down, and there will be an about-turn towards the light by all kingdoms of consciousness. "Now, you understand what my Universal Manifestation is. But it is not a matter of understanding. One has to experience it."

This interpretation suggests that there is something for us to do before we can walk on through -- a conscious movement from the material to the ethereal. "Those who are near the door, where the kerf is cut, will have a longing to open that door and enter into the Subtle World. Their longing will go on increasing, and they will pass through one door after another -- four doors of the Subtle World..."

A deeply sensitive segment of society is developing a growing awareness of the ascension of consciousness commencing on the planet. We are beginning to be attracted to the "finer darkness, or light" Meher Baba described in 1967. His metaphor of a "Kerf" cut into the door of the higher planes of consciousness coincides extremely well with the positive vibrations emanating from these higher energetic and mental realms.

* Meher Baba's "kerf" description appears in the print version of the Lord Meher in Vol. 20, pp.6544 – 6546. For some unknown reason it has been eliminated from the online biography.

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